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  • Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males (Line chart)
  • Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males (Bar chart)
  • Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males (Boxplot chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males
Indicator code: E991002.M This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer\".

Number of patients with newly diagnosed cancer of the trachea, bronchus or lung (ICD-9: 162 or ICD-10: C33, C34) during the given calendar year._
Country/Area notes
Source of data: National Health Information Analytic Center, Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Data collected annually, reference period: 31 December.
Source: Statistics Austria, Austrian Cancer Registry.
Data source: National Cancer Registry ( Data before the year 2004
were incomplete and should be used with caution.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Health Institute of Federation of B&H; Department for Health Statistics and Informatics
Public Health Institute of Republic of Srpska. Department for social medicine with health
organization and health economics. Law on Health Evidence and Statistical Research in Health. Annual
report of health facilities
Department for Health of Brcko District
There is an on-going process of revision of cancer registry data. Cases identified by Death
Certificate Only are also included in all years (1998-2007).
Source: Czech National Cancer Registry.
Data from 1990 updated.
Source: The Cancer Registry, The Danish Health Data Authority.
Source: Estonian Cancer Registry, National Institute for Health Development.
Data have been updated on the basis of the Regisrtry?s database in January 2016.
Source: Finnish Cancer Registry, Cancer Society of Finland based on agreement with THL (National
Institute for Health and Welfare).
Note: The rates are based on data from the Cancer register. The recent increase mirrors the increase
in new cases of trachea/bronchus/lung cancer among women. Also the positive trend among men has
stagnated due to ageing population.
Source: Cancer Register, THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare) / Cancer Organizations.
Source of data: Institut national du cancer estimation nationale de l?incidence et de la mortalite
par cancer en France entre 1980 et 2012
Source: National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia (NCDC) (
Source: Robert Koch-Institute - German Centre for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD) or
Coverage: Data contain the estimated number of all newly diagnosed cancer cases in Germany coded
with ICD-10 C33,C34 (Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus or lung) during the given calendar
Estimation method: The population-based cancer registries in each German federal state transfer data
to the German Centre for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD), as required by the Federal Cancer Registry
Data Act (Bundeskrebsregisterdatengesetz). These data are combined, quality-checked, analysed and
At the moment reliable data on cancer incidence and survival are not available for all federal
states. Therefore, the ZfKD estimates new diagnosis, prevalence and survival rates for Germany in
addition to estimating the completeness of data capture in the individual registries. The basic
principle is that the data are first checked for registration completeness and, upon meeting
pre-defined criteria, are then used for the calculation of the various statistics.
The value of population-based cancer data vitally depends on the completeness of the capture of all
newly diagnosed cancer cases. Since 2009 in all federal states there has been comprehensive
geographical epidemiological cancer registration and great advances have been achieved. But the
situation in the individual states is very heterogeneous: continuous, state-wide registration was
commenced between 1967 (Saarland) and 2009 (Baden-Wurttemberg). The ZfKD consequently regularly
estimates the degree of completeness for the population-based cancer registries.
The basis for this evaluation is the ratio of incidence to mortality (M/I-Index), an internationally
commonly used indicator. It is assumed here that diagnosis and survival prospects of cancer patients
within Germany do not differ fundamentally and that regionally differing cancer risks can thus be
approximated by official cause of death statistics. Using the M/I-Index of a reference registry that
has been assessed as being complete along with the cancer mortality at a region whose completeness
is to be assessed, it is possible to estimate the expected cancer incidence in that region and
compare it with the number of cases actually registered.
According to the current evaluation, for the year 2012, twelve federal states have already reached
an estimated completeness level of at least 90%, seven federal states have reached over 95%
Using the data of the epidemiological cancer registries in Germany as a basis, the ZfKD estimates
the number of all newly diagnosed cancer cases each year. The results of the completeness assessment
form the basis of this estimation. The annual number of incident cases for each localization arises
from the summation of the cases from the ?complete? registries (estimated capture rate of at least
90%) and the expected incidence from the completeness assessment for those federal states that are
either deemed to be incomplete or for which no data is available.
Break in time series: The modification of the procedure to estimate completeness required the
adaption of the methods for estimating incidence. One of the requirements places on the new method
was to enable a smooth transition from ?estimating? to ?counting? the annual number of incident
cases in Germany while continuing to allow an assessment of trends over time. Since the new methods
of estimation for both completeness and incidence can only be used in this form from 1999 onwards,
the results of earlier estimates are not directly comparable to the current ones for methodological
Data are not available.
Source: National Cancer Register.
Note: Benign tumours are rarely registered in the NCR. Some data from 1999 were recorded as year
2000. Correction of the data has only partially taken place. Therefore, there is a higher case
number in 2000. Data for the number of metastatic tumours with codes C77-C79 have been left out.
Source: The Icelandic Cancer Registry.
Note: From 2002, the data is shown as a 3-year average in order to minimize the random fluctuations
due to the small population of Iceland.
Source: National Cancer Registry. Figures for the latest year are incomplete and should be
considered provisional.
Source: Israel Cancer Registry, Ministry of Health.
It is estimated by means of specific epidemiological studies. Source: Istituto Superiore di Sanita,
Centro Nazionale di Epidemiologia Sorveglianza e Prevenzione della Salute (ISS, CNESPS). Estimates
were obtained with the MIAMOD methodology using cancer-specific data on mortality 1970-2002
(Official National Statistics - ISTAT) and survival of patients diagnosed in 1985-2002 (Italian
Network of Cancer Registries - AIRTUM). The MIAMOD method has been applied to obtain forecasts from
2003 onwards . The estimates were obtained separately by sex for the 20 Italian regions. National
estimates were obtained by summing up the regional estimates. All estimates are referred to age
group 0-99 years. For further details see: Rossi S, Capocaccia R, De Angelis R and Gatta G (Eds).
Cancer Burden in Italian Regions. Tumori 2013; 99 (3): pp. 269-439
Number of new cases, females: confirmed ? 124 new cases in 2014 and 2015, respectively.
Source of data: Up to 2002 the data source was the annual statistical report. Starting from 2003 the
data source is the Register of Patients with Particular Diseases.
Source: National Cancer Register.
Registre morphologique des tumeurs. Laboratoire national de sante, Divisions d'anatomie
pathologique, de cytologie clinique et d'hematologie. Annual report edited by the association
\Registre morphologique des tumeurs au Grand-Duche
Source: Department of Health Information and Research, Malta National Cancer Registry which use the
Pathology labs, Autopsy reports, National Mortality Register and Notification.
Source: Institute of Public Health based on National Population Cancer Registry (see ind. No
Source of data: National Cancer Centre: Netherlands Cancer Registry.
The National Cancer Centre changed the fixed groups of diagnoses from 2009. However, from now data
are again available for number of new cases of cancer of trachea and lung. The new numbers of new
cases of cancer of trachea and lung are included in this sheet from 1989 onwards.
North Macedonia
Source: Cancer registry, Institute for Public Health (IPH).
Source of data: National Cancer Registry - Institute of Oncology.
Source of data: Ministry of Health ? National Cancer Registry Coverage: National
Source: The number of new cases of cancer is reported by each district?s oncological cabinet to
National Center for Statistics and Informatics in Public Health.
Break in time series:
2014: since year 2014, data from private sector included.
Source of data: Institute of Public Health of Serbia, National Cancer Registry.
Coverage: complete from 2007 onwards. Up to 2007 data do not cover one NUTS level-2 Region
(Vojvodina) that is approximately 30% of population (according Census 2011 data). Decreasing of
number of new cases starting from 2012 onwards indicates underreporting by health institutions.
Source: National Cancer Registry of Slovakia (ICD10 codes used)
Source of data: Cancer Registry of Republic of Slovenia, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, March
Methodology (definition): Number of all newly diagnosed cancers of the trachea, bronchus or lung
(ICD-9: 162 or ICD-10: C33, C34) during the given calendar year.
Source of data: National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW)
The Swedish Cancer Register (NBHW)
Online Database:ÿÿÿ

Note: See the general documentation for variable 991051. Here all registered primary tumors in
person alive at the end of the year since the beginning of the register are included.ÿIn the rare
event that a person should have two primary tumors that person is counted twice.
Source of data: Estimation for Switzerland from the National Institute for Epidemiology and Cancer
Registration (NICER) based on the Cancer Registries of Geneva (since 1970), Vaud and Neuchatel
(since 1974), Zurich (1980-2011), St. Gallen-Appenzell (since 1980), Basel-Stadt and
Basel-Landschaft (1981-2009), Valais and Graubunden (since 1989), Glarus (Since 1992), Ticino (Since
1996), Jura (since 2005), Fribourg (since 2006), Lucerne (since 2010), Nidwalden, Obwalden, Uri and
Zug (since 2011).
Coverage: extrapolation based on registered areas covering from 41% of the population in 1980 to 65%
in 2012.
Estimation method: The extrapolation is based on language regions, for detailed information please
refer to the Federal Statistical Office?s Cancer Epidemiology website.
Source of data: Public Health Institution of Turkey, Ministry of Health of Turkey.
Source of data: Administrative medical statistics, forms: 7 ?Report on the incidence of and patients
with cancer?, 5 ?Report on morbidity?, 025-2/y ?Statistical card? and 090-1/y ?Notification of
patients with newly diagnosed malignancy?.
Source: Centre of Health Statistics, Ministry of Health.
United Kingdom
Source of Data: England - Office for National Statistics, Cancer Registry.
Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Cancer Registry. Scotland - Scotland - Scottish Cancer Registry,
Public Health and Intelligence, NHS National Services Scotland. (In October 2013) The data has been
changed from 2000 onwards as this is more up to date and is our policy to continually update if it
is more accurate.
Wales - Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit.
Estimate: 2014 data from Scotland is unavailable so the 2013 figure has been used as an estimate
Break in Time Series:
2010 - All data is financial year data with the exception of Scotland and Northern Ireland whose
data is calendar year.