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  • % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity (Line chart)
  • % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity (Bar chart)
  • % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity (Boxplot chart)
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0%Chart context menu% of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity19901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230102030405060
Albania (no data)
Andorra (no data)
Armenia (no data)
Austria (no data)
Belarus (no data)
Belgium (no data)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (no data)
Bulgaria (no data)
Cyprus (no data)
Denmark (no data)
Finland (no data)
France (no data)
Georgia (no data)
Greece (no data)
Ireland (no data)
Kazakhstan (no data)
Lithuania (no data)
Malta (no data)
Monaco (no data)
Montenegro (no data)
North Macedonia (no data)
Poland (no data)
Portugal (no data)
Republic of Moldova
Romania (no data)
Russian Federation (no data)
San Marino
Serbia (no data)
Slovenia (no data)
Sweden (no data)
Switzerland (no data)
Türkiye (no data)
United Kingdom
WHO European Region (no data)
Members of the European Union (no data)
Members of the EU before May 2004 (EU15) (no data)
Members of the EU after May 2004 (EU13) (no data)
Members of the EU before Feb 2020 (no data)
Commonwealth of Independent States (no data)
Central Asian Republics Information Network members (CARINFONET)
South-eastern Europe Health Network members (SEEHN) (no data)
Nordic countries (no data)
Small countries (no data)
Western Balkans (no data)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 565
Updated: 18 October 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
% of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity
Indicator code: E030201.T

The purpose of the indicator is to estimate the degree of social and economic opportunities available to disabled people. It is the ratio (in %) of disabled people engaged in regular occupational activities to the total number of disabled, age 15-64. Data normally from the social insurance system._
Country/Area notes
Insurance Institute.
Data are not available.
Data are not available.
No data available.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
% persons with certain state of invalidity at age 15-64 having regular occupation. Source: Institute
for estimate work capability.
Incomplete data - employment data of persons with disabilities, monitored two years ago.
Data not available.
Source: Population Census 2000; Labour Force Survey 2002, 2006 module \Health and working capacity\";
Labour Force Survey and Social Insurance Board from 2008.
Up to 2006 employment rate of persons with longstanding health problems or disability which
considerably or to some extent restricts the ability to work. From 2008
Source: The national pension system and the employment pension system.Data not available.
Source: Federal Employment Agency, Labour market statistics - statistics on reports according to õ80
Abs. 2 of the Rehabilitation and Participation of Disabled Persons Act / Code of Social Law (SGB)
IX. or
Coverage: The employment statistics of severely disabled persons is based on the data collected by
the Federal Employment Agency from the notification procedure according to õ 80 paragraph 2 of
Social Law (SGB) IX for calculating the extent of the employment obligation, to monitor their
performance and the calculation of a compensatory levy that may be charged.
The actual quota represents the number of severely disabled persons, persons who are equivalent to
them and other allowable persons in the respective reporting year per employer, as a quota of all
workplaces to be counted.
As severely handicapped persons are regarded, who
a) are not only temporarily physically, mentally or emotionally handicapped with a degree of
disability of at least 50,
b) legally live in the Federal Republic of Germany or have their usual residence or workplace as an
employee there and
c) possess a certification (identification card) of disability.
According to õ 71 Abs. 1 SGB IX employers with a yearly average of at least 20 workplaces per month
are committed to fill at least 5 % of these workplaces with severely disabled persons. Until 2000
according to õ 13 Abs. 2 Schwerbehindertengesetz employers with a yearly average of at least 16
workplaces per month were committed to fill at least 6 % of these workplaces with severely disabled
The number of workplaces to be counted arises from the number of workplaces altogether minus the
workplaces for apprentices (õ 74 Abs. 1 SGB IX) and other workplaces (according to õ 73 Abs. 2 and 3
and õ 74 Abs.1 SGB IX).
Break in time series: In 2008 the technical processing procedure for this statistics was adapted to
a modern data warehouse technology. During the adaptation the data has been processed retroactively
for the reporting years starting from 2003. Therefore, the data are only partly comparable with the
previous years. The reported values refer to October of the reporting year until the year 2000.
Starting from 2003 the annual average values are shown.
Data are not available.
Source: Central Administration of National Pension Insurance (ONYF).
Note: From 1992 onward, data includes the number of persons with disability, with changed capacity
for work and those receiving accident benefits and disability benefits.
Source: Social Insurance Administration (formerly named State Social Security Institute).
All individuals 16-66 years old who have been assessed with 75% invalidity and have some income from
employment according to tax returns (not necessarily from regular occupation and irrespective of
amount earned). Figures refer to December each year.
Data not available.
Includes age 18 years to retirement age.
Source: National Insurance Institute.
Source: INPS (National Institute of Social Security).
The rate average per month of the respective year.
Data are not available.
Data are not available.
Data are not available.
Source 1998-2000 data: Health Interview Survey. Age 16-64 years. Disabled: people who can perform
one or more items of a list of activities with some or great difficulty or not at all. These
activities relate to among others close and remote vision acuity, hearing, lifting, stooping,
carrying, walking inside and outside the home, dressing and undressing and getting in and out of
bed. (OECD-indicator). Occupation:a paid job of 12 or more hours a week.
Source of data from 2002 onwards: Labour force survey. Age 15-64 years. Disabled is a person who
because of a chronic condition, disease or handicap is hindered in performing work or disadvantaged
on the labour market. Respondents in the sample are asked if they have a chronic condition, disease
of handicap. If so, they are asked if the handicap hinders them in performing or finding work. Thus
the number of disabled is determined by the subjective opinion of the respondent.
Note: Statistics Netherlands: The 1989-2000 data are not comparable to those of 2002 and later.
Data not available.
Republic of Moldova
Working age 16-62 years.
Source of data is the medical survey of the health state carried out on a representative sample by
the Center of Health Statistics and Medical Documentation (CHSMD).
No data are available.
From 2011 all working disabled pensioners are included.
Source: Social Insurance Agency in Slovakia
Note: The low data level in the years 1980-1992 is due to the different political, social and health
system in the country at that time.
Data are not available from NIJZ databases
Sources: National Statistics Institute, extracted from the statistic: ?The Employment of Persons
with Disabilities?:
Data are not available.
Data not available.
Working age is 16-62, i.e. before retirement age.
United Kingdom
Data are not available.