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  • Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases (Line chart)
  • Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases (Bar chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases
Indicator code: E990451.T

Number of persons granted invalidity (disability) status and appropriate social benefits during the given calendar year._
Country/Area notes
Insurance Institute.
Source of data: National Health Information Analytic Center, Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Data collected annually, reference period: 31 December.
Source: Main Association of Austrian Social Security Organisations.
Coverage: Self-employed are not included.
Break in time series:
2003: In 2003, there was a fusion of the old age insurance for workers and of the old age insurance
for employees to a common institution (PVA). This caused a delay in completion of applications. This
is why the granting for pensions was lower in 2003 than in 2004. This declares at least a part of
the strong increase in year 2004.
The number of disabled persons increased because the registration of persons in the previous year
was approved during the reporting year 2013.
No data available.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
No of persons with total loss work capability. Source: Institute for estimate work capability.
Since year 2001, all disabled persons including children younger than 16 years are included. In year
2000 and earlier, only persons aged 16 and older with a disability of at least 50% are included.
Data from 2000 are affected by a change in the law on pensions.
No data are available
Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of CR. Data relates to number of newly recognized
invalidity pensions.
Break in time series: since 2010 due to legislative changes.
Source: Social Insurance Board and Ministry of Social Affairs.
New disability cases according to the determined degree of severity of disability, verified by the
Social Insurance Board by medical experts.
Break in time series: There is a break in data series starting from 2000. Data for the years up to
1999 are not totally comparable to data since 2000 due to the change in the system of determining
disability. Until 1999 data based on adult population and since 2000 data is for total population.
Up to 2000 only the invalidity according to 3 categories of disability was determined by assessment
committees. From 2000 the incapacity for work in percents and the disability in three degrees of
severity of a disability is determined. There are two different systems in use which are not
directly derived from each other: to working age population also/or only the degree of loss of
working capacity can be determined. NB! in years 2000 and 2001 disability was re-determined also for
persons with invalidity group determined before 2000 and the data include all these cases.
Source: The national pension system and the employment pension system.
Data are not available.
Source: German Annuity Insurance Federation, Statistics on new pensions because of diminution of
ability to work. or
Coverage: The reported figures refer to new pensions according to SBG VI because of diminution of
ability to work paid by the Statutory Pension Insurance, excluding zero pensions and excluding
pensions for miners due to completion of 50th year of life. Pensions of diminution of ability to
work are paid
a) as pension because of partly reduced earning capacity,
b) as pension because of fully reduced earning capacity,
c) as pension for miners and
according to the regulations of the 5th chapter of the SGB VI as pension because of vocational
disability and as pension because of employment disability.
Pension because of diminution of ability to work are granted at the longest up to the completion of
65th year of age. After that only the payment of old-age pension is possible.
Break in time series: The reported figures for the years 1993-2000 refer to new pensions according
to Art. 2 of the law regarding pension transfer (?Rentenuberleitungsgesetz?). Since 2001 these
pensions are no longer reported.
Data are not available.
Source: Social Insurance Administration (formerly named State Social Security Institute).
Break in series in 1994. Prior to 1994: Figures refer to the increase (from December of one year to
December of the next year) in the number of individuals 16-66 years old who have been assessed with
75% invalidity during a given calendar year. Based on counts of individuals receiving benefits in
December of each year. Note that the number of newly recognised cases might be higher because the
number of those that cease to receive benefits during a given year has not been accounted for.
As of 1994: Number of first-time adult recipients of disability benefits during the year,
irrespective of the length of time the individual receives benefits.
Source: Department of Social Protection. Numbers of new invalidity pension claims.
Break in series 2011: From 2011 data includes claims cleared during the year for Disability
Allowance, Invalidity Pension and Disablement Pensions. Disability Allowance is paid to persons aged
between 16 and 66 who have an injury, disease or physical or mental disability that has continued or
may be expected to continue for at least one year.
Invalidity Pension is a weekly payment to people who cannot work because of a long-term illness or
disability and are covered by social insurance (PRSI). To qualify one must have been incapable of
work for at least 12 months and be likely to be incapable of work for at least another 12 months or
be permanently incapable of work.
Disablement Benefit is a benefit under the Occupational Injuries Scheme. It can be paid to persons
who suffer a loss of physical or mental faculty because of an accident at work, an accident
travelling directly to or from work, or a prescribed disease contracted at work. Payment is only
made where the level of disablement following the accident or disease is assessed at 15% or more.
Approved claims for receiving disability benefits from the Social Insurance system (aged 18 to
retirement age) and the Ministry of Defence.
Source: National Insurance Institute and Ministry of Defence.
Source: INPS (National Institute of Social Security).
Break in time series: Until 1998 only employed people aged 16 or more included. From 1999 to 2003
all new cases aged 16 or more included. From 2004 all new cases included.
Source: Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office to the Ministry of Social Security and
Coverage: Data for children and persons in working age. From 2005 more strict rules are applied for
recognizing invalidity. Therefore the number of cases shows a decrease from 2005 and the drop in
2010-2011 reflects the lack of money for disability benefits due to the economic crises.
Data are not available.
Source: Social Security Department, Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity.
Data are not available.
Data are not available.
North Macedonia
Source: Pension and Disability Insurance Fund Prepared by: Institute for Public Health (IPH)
Source of data: Social Insurance Institution.
In 1997 the new low (Act on professional and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled
persons) was introduced by the Polish Parliament. It recommended for disabled persons rather
temporary benefits and rehabilitation then permanent pension. Disability adjudication criteria
became more strict and more rigorously applied. As a consequence, the number of
invalidity/disability cases newly recognized by certified occupational medicine physicians has been
systematically reduced.
Data are not available.
No data are available.
Source: Social Insurance Agency in Slovakia.
Break in time series:
2010: The amendment to Act no. 461/2003 valid from January 1, 2010 have made the conditions
necessary for receiving an invalidity pension easier, that is why we recorded the increase of newly
recognized invalidity/disability cases. These changes are related to the number of years of
retirement pension insurance required for entitlement to an invalidity pension.
Source of data: Institute of Pension and Invalidity Insurance, Ljubljana 1996.
Source: Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality.IMSERSO:Base Estatal de Personas con
Discapacidad, 2009.
Source: The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (F”rs„kringskassan)

Number of persons with newly awarded sickness and activity benefit (formerly ?disability pension?)
during the calendar year.
Source of data: Coverage: Deviation from the definition: Estimation method: Break in time series:
No data are available.
Break in time series: 2000. Data before 2000 includes only number of persons granted disability
status for the first time, starting from 2000 ? number of newly and repeatedly recognized
disabilities during the given calendar year.
United Kingdom
Data are not available.