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  • Number of new AIDS cases Number of new AIDS cases (Line chart)
  • Number of new AIDS cases Number of new AIDS cases (Bar chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Number of new AIDS cases.
Indicator code: E050302.T

Number of people newly diagnosed with AIDS during the calendar year. Data are not adjusted for reporting delays. Data are available from the joint European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and WHO Regional Office for Europe annual HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe reports.

Country/Area notes
Institute of Public Health.
Due to a temporary data merger issue, information on AIDS diagnoses for 2016 were not available but will be reported to TESSy in the future. 
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Health Institute BIH - Department of Epidemiology.
Source of information: Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology service, AIDS
Foreigners with short-term stays in the Czech Republic are not included in cases notified
Source: National Public Health Institute.
Case-based data are not exhaustive because of reporting delays (cases reported several months or years after the diagnosis) and underreporting (cases that are diagnosed but never reported). The most recent estimates of underreporting in France are 41% in 2007-2009 for AIDS and 30% in 2015 for HIV.  To assess the real numbers and trends of HIV and AIDS diagnoses in France, it is essential to use adjusted data, which take into account reporting delays, underreporting and missing data (incomplete reports). Adjusting for these factors, the estimated number of new HIV diagnoses were 5,997 95%CI[5,806-6,188] in 2015 and  6,003 [5,751-6,255] in 2016. The estimated numbers of new AIDS diagnoses were  1,092 [1,040-1,144] in 2015 and  863 [771-955] in 2016. The French HIV/AIDS reporting system has changed in 2016. 
Source: German Health Monitoring System
Directorate of Health.
HIV was made a notifiable disease in September 2011. The HIV reporting system was modified substantially in 2012. AIDS cases and deaths among AIDS cases are now only reported if at the time of HIV diagnosis. HIV diagnoses include a growing proportion of 'previous positive' persons, who are transferring their HIV care when moving to Ireland and tested positive and notified within the Irish system when moving to the country. There was a change in the implementation of the case definition in 2015 (requiring confirmatory testing on a single sample rather than two samples) which resulted in more persons being notified to the surveillance system. 
Source: The National TB and AIDS Unit, Ministry of Health
Source: Istituto Superiore di Sanita.
National AIDS Centre.
Chief Medical Officer of Public Health.
North Macedonia
AIDS cases only include people diagnosed with AIDS at the time of HIV diagnosis
New HIV diagnoses who have AIDS are reported only in in the AIDS database and AIDS tables.  The total number of new HIV diagnoses for Romania is a sum of the HIV and AIDS case reports for any given year. 
Russian Federation
HIV/AIDS surveillance data are not being reported to WHO by the Russian Federation. In the annual joint ECDC/WHO HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe reports, published data from the Russian Federal Scientific and Methodological Centre for Prevention and Control of AIDS are included within the other countries’ reported data to provide a more complete presentation of the epidemiology of HIV in the WHO European Region. More details are available here:
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana 1996 (Epidemiologic monitoring of
communicable diseases in Slovenia).
Data come from National Register of AIDS. Total updated through June 30 1997

Source: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Plan Nacional del S.I.D.A. Registro Nacional de Casos de
Due to changes in HIV/AIDS surveillance system, AIDS reporting has not been mandatory since 2000.  From 2008 to 2016,  AIDS data are not reported from Sweden because the national AIDS surveillance system had been discontinued. 
Reported HIV cases exclude persons diagnosed with AIDS at the time of HIV diagnosis. Reported AIDS cases only include people diagnosed with AIDS at the time of HIV diagnosis. 
Turkmenistan has only officially reported two cases of HIV since the beginning of reporting, one of whom developed AIDS and both died. 
Data reported from Ukraine exclude Crimea and Sevastopol City for 2014-2016 and parts of the non-government controlled territories for 2015-2016; corresponding population denominators were used to compute rates. 
United Kingdom
The UK has moved toward surveillance of AIDS  within 3 months of HIV diagnoses. As a result, the AIDS figures provided for 2015-2016 are likely to be lower than those previously reported. 
No data have been reported to WHO since 2010.