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  • Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000 Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000 (Line chart)
  • Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000 Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000 (Bar chart)
  • Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000 Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000 (Boxplot chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000
Indicator code: E050113.T This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"Number of new diphtheria cases\".

Self-explanatory. ICD-9: 032; ICD-10: A36. Only confirmed cases are included. Data are available from the CD unit at WHO/EURO.

Country/Area notes
Institute of Public Health.
Data sources: Sanitary Inspection of the Ministry of the Flemish Community Government, Sanitary Inspection of the Ministry of the French Community Government. Remark: These data only refer to cases that occurred in the Flemish and Walloon Region. Data of the Brussels Capital Region are not available. (The Brussels Capital Region has approximately 950 000 inhabitants, which is about 10% of the Belgian population). Because of a serious underreporting, this number is an underestimation.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Health Institute BIH - Department of Epidemiology.
Some Facts about Health Care of Estonia 1990-1995. Estonian Medical Statistical Bureau.
Source: National Public Health Institute.
Source: German Health Monitoring System
Source: Directorate of Health, Section for Infectious Disease Control.
Source: Central Statistics Office for 1980-1984. Department of Health for subsequent years.
Department of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health
January 2000: Source: Ministry of Health
National Public Health Centre.
Chief Medical Officer of Public Health.
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana 1996 (Epidemiologic monitoring of communicable diseases in Slovenia).
Diphtheria (ICD-9 code 032). Data come from the Epidemiological Surveillance System of Obligatory Declaration Disease (ODD).
Source: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Centro Nacional de Epidemiología.
Source: Swedish Institutes for Infectious Disease Control.