Exploring the digital health landscape in Europe

The landscape of data and digital health varies across 53 countries in the WHO European Region. A new WHO report and dataset detail how the Member States are reshaping their health-care systems through the integration of digital health, including telehealth, mobile health, Big Data, and other interventions.
A closer look at the digital health transformation
Based on a survey conducted in 2022, the dataset explores national digital health governance frameworks, funding and investment, patient portal functionalities, and other digital health indicators in all countries of the WHO European Region with the exception of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Analysing these elements can provide insights into how each country navigates the evolving landscape of digital health. Additionally, the report aims to encourage shared learning, help countries identify digital health barriers, explore trends, steer the agenda for innovation, and contribute to the implementation of the Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region.
“The COVID-19 pandemic boosted the adoption of digital health tools and policies. However, as we see from our regional report, there is still work to be done. With the digital health country profiles, we are able to take a closer look, identifying strengths, gaps and needs. This will enable us to provide tailored support to our Member States in their digital health transformation,” said Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Director for Country Health Policies and Systems at WHO/Europe.
The information presented in dataset was collected between April and October 2022. Therefore, any recent advancements or changes in the respective countries beyond that period may not be reflected.
The report “Exploring the digital health landscape in the WHO European Region: digital health country profiles” builds on WHO/Europe’s regional digital health report, which was published in 2023 and provided a broad overview of data and digital health in the region.
Exploring the digital health landscape in the WHO European Region: digital health country profiles
Report: Digital health in the European Region: the ongoing journey to commitment and transformation