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  • International code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes incorporated into national legislation International code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes incorporated into national legislation (Map)
  • Legislation and services to protect and support optimum nutrition for infants and young children Legislation and services to protect and support optimum nutrition for infants and young children (Horizontal bar chart)
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Data set notes
Maternal nutrition, physical activity and weight gain during pregnancy

Indicators: 48
Updated: 09 March 2018
Contact: João Breda

This data set presents country information about maternal nutrition, the prevention of obesity and noncommunicable disease. It provides an overview and explores what national recommendations for nutrition, physical activity and weight gain during pregnancy are in place in the Member States of the WHO European Region.

The data set is based on the questionnaire: "survey of national recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, and weight gain during pregnancy". 53 Member States of the WHO European Region were invited to participate, with 51 responding. Monaco and San Marino did not participate and are marked as “Did not participate in survey” in the data set. Those countries that did not respond to a specific question are marked as "No response" for that question only.

Data has been collected by the Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Programme and the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme at the Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Promoting Health through the Life course, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Funding for the data collection, analysis and presentation of results was kindly provided by two separate grants. Funding from the European Commission supported work in the European Union Member States. Additional funding from the Russian Federation as part of the project on noncommunicable diseases funded work in other parts of the WHO European Region, including the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Current data is available for 2014, and future data collection is foreseen.

Data was collected from the WHO country offices' national professional officers directly involved with nutrition, antenatal and postpartum care in the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region.

Data was published in the 'Good Maternal Nutrition: the best start in life' report online with ISBN 978 92 8905154 5 available in English and Russian -
Indicator notes
Data for this indicator has been obtained by transforming the original survey question Q35.

The response category "Yes" has been calculated by summing up response categories "Yes, completely" and "Yes, only partially" on the original survey question Q35. Other responses remain unchanged.
Country/Area notes
No information