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  • Practising physicians, head count Practising physicians, head count (Line chart)
Data set notes
European database on human and technical resources for health

Indicators: 125
Updated: 22 November 2023

HlthRes-DB provides a wide range of statistics on human and technical resources for health and offers data on non-monetary health care resources collected through the joint work of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and WHO/Europe

Human resources indicators: Indicators include the number and density of a wide range of health personnel (such as physicians, nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists and health care assistants), according to three different concepts (those practising, professionally active and licensed to practice). Information on employment in hospitals and numbers of medical and other graduates is also available. It is currently available in English and Russian.

Technical resources data: Data include the number and density of hospitals and hospital beds, stratified by ownership of facility (public, non-profit-making private and for-profit private), in addition to the number of beds for long-term care.

HlthRes-DB also contains indicators on the availability of the following medical equipment: computed tomography (CT) scanners, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units, positron emission tomography (PET) scanners, gamma cameras, digital subtraction angiography units, mammographs, radiation therapy equipment and lithotriptors.

Information before 2011 is not verified.

The 2022 Revision of UN World Population Prospects was used for estimates.
Indicator notes
metadata link
Practising physicians, total number Indicator code: pract.phys Practising physicians provide services directly to patients. Inclusion - Persons who have completed studies in medicine at university level (granted by adequate diploma) and who are licensed to practice - Interns and resident physicians (with adequate diploma and providing services under supervision of other medical doctors during their postgraduate internship or residency in a health care facility) - Salaried and self-employed physicians delivering services irrespectively of the place of service provision - Foreign physicians licensed to practice and actively practising in the country Exclusion - Students who have not yet graduated - Dentists and stomatologists / dental surgeons - Physicians working in administration, research and in other posts that exclude direct contact with patients - Unemployed physicians and retired physicians - Physicians working abroad Note: The number should be at the end of the calendar year.
Country/Area notes
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