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  • Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, number of deaths Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, number of deaths (Line chart)
  • Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, number of deaths, female Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, number of deaths, female (Line chart)
  • Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, number of deaths, male Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, number of deaths, male (Line chart)
Data set notes
European mortality database

Indicators: 851
Updated: 04 October 2023

European mortality database allows age- and sex-specific analysis of mortality trends by broad disease-groups, as well as dis-aggregated to 67 specific causes of death. Data reach back to 1980.,-age-and-sex-hfa-mdb
Indicator notes
No information
Country/Area notes
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