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  • Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates (Line chart)
  • Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates (Bar chart)
  • Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates (Boxplot chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates
Indicator code: E340203.T

Public sector (or general government) expenditure on health is the sum of outlays for health maintenance, restoration or enhancement paid for in cash or in kind by government entities, such as the Ministry of Health, other ministries, parastatal organizations, social security agencies, (without double-counting the government transfers to social security and to extra-budgetary funds). Includes transfer

payments to households to offset medical care costs and extra-budgetary funds to finance health. The revenue base of these entities may comprise multiple sources, including external funds.

Estimates for this indicator were produced by WHO. The estimates are, to the greatest extent possible, based on the National Health Accounts classification (see the World Health Report 2006 for details). The sources include both nationally reported data and estimates from international organisations like IMF, WB, UN and OECD. Therefore they may somewhat differ from official national statistics reported by countries.

Country/Area notes
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