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  • Acute care hospital discharges per 100 Acute care hospital discharges per 100 (Line chart)
  • Acute care hospital discharges per 100 Acute care hospital discharges per 100 (Bar chart)
  • Acute care hospital discharges per 100 Acute care hospital discharges per 100 (Boxplot chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Acute care hospital discharges per 100
Indicator code: E992912.T This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"Number of acute care hospital discharges\".

Same as 992952, except that only short-stay hospitals are taken into account (see definition of ind No 992760).

For countries participating in the Joint Eurostat / OECD / WHO Europe data collection on health care activities (for year 2012 those were: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and United Kingdom), following definition was used:

Hospital aggregates: Curative (acute) care

Curative care comprises health care contacts during which the principal intent is to relieve symptoms of illness or injury, to reduce the severity of an illness or injury, or to protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness or injury that could threaten life or normal function (HC.1 in the SHA classification).


- All components of curative care of illness (including both physical and mental/psychiatric illnesses) or treatment of injury

- Diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures

- Obstetric services


- Other functions of care (such as rehabilitative care, long-term care and palliative care)\"

Data are collected for:

a) Curative (acute) care discharges: See definitions of hospital discharges and curative care._
Country/Area notes
Ministry of Health.
Source of data: National Health Information Analytic Center, Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Data collected annually, reference period: 31 December.
Source: Statistics Austria, Hospital Discharge Statistics. Data now adjusted to more accurate
statistical allocation of individual hospitals to the groups of short stay hospitals and other
hospitals in the period of 1985-2005.
Source: Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment. Health Care
Facilities Organization (DG1), Minimal Clinical Data. 2007: provisional data.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Health Institute of Federation of B&H Public Health Institute of Republic of Srpska. Annual
report of hospitals.
Department for Health of Brcko District
General and rural hospitals, public sector only. Day cases are also included as they could not be
disaggregated from hospital admissions.
Source: Institute of Health Information and Statistics of CR (IHIS CR). Survey on bed resources of
health establishments and their exploitation. Coverage: Data refer to number of hospitalizations in
University hospitals and Acute care hospitals. Hospitalized newborns are excluded.
Break in time series: Until 1999 data covers only establishments of the Health Sector. From 2000
data covers also health establishments of other central organs.
Deviation from the definition: Transfers from one department to another one at the same hospital
are considered as two hospitalizations: day-cases of patients treated in bed care departments are
not excluded.
Data includes both somatic and psychiatric hospitals.
Source: annual reporting, National Institute for Health Development.
Includes all specialized somatic health care, excluding state hospitals, military and prison
hospitals and inpatient care in primary health care led health care centres. Source: Hospital
Discharge Register, THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare).
Includes data for French overseas territories. Source: DGOS DREES PMSI-SAE
Source: National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia (NCDC) (
Acute care admissions comprise admissions in general hospitals in all sectors (public,
not-for-profit and private). Admissions in mental health hospitals, prevention and rehabilitation
homes and in long-term nursing care facilities are excluded. As of reporting year 2002 the number of
acute care hospital admissions includes day cases. Source: Federal Statistical Office, Hospital
statistics - basic data
Source until 2003: Center for Health Care Information (GYOGYINFOK). The data is the case number of
department discharges. Source from 2004: National Institute for Strategic Health Research (ESKI) and
the data is the case number for hospital discharge, rather than case number for department
All discharges from acute care hospitals as defined in indicator 992760. From 1999 includes all
discharges with LOS of 18 days or less (includes discharges where the diagnosis is missing or
invalid, i.e. not based on main diagnosis).Newborns are excluded (discharges with the Z38 code were
counted based on principal/main diagnosis and then subtracted from the total number of discharges).
Source: The Directorate of Health / Ministry of Health and Social Security.
Break in series in 2008 due to the fact that data in the National Patient Discharge Register has
been updated /corrected.

Until 2008 newborns (Z38) have been included. This will be corrected next year along with other
Source: Health Service Executive. Data prior to 2006 comes from the Department of Health and
Children. Figures refer to the number of in-patients, excluding day cases, who were discharged from
or died in publicly funded acute hospitals. Discharges from private short-stay hospitals are not
Number of acute care admissions. Hospitalizations without overnight stay are not included since
1994. Source: Department of Health Information, Ministry of Health.
Source: Ministry of Health. Admissions are referred to hospitals under indicator 992760. Clinical
data gathered in the hospital discharges database are coded with the following versions: until 2005
with ICD9-CM version 1997, from 2006 to 2008 with ICD9-CM version 2002, since 2009 with the ICD9-CM
version 2007.
Acute care hospital discharges including patients who returned home, were transferred to another
hospital or died. Acute care hospital beds (instead of hospitals) are included, i.e. hospital beds
excluding beds for rehabilitation, tuberculosis, psychiatry, mental care for alcohol and drug
abusers, short-term social care, geriatrics, palliative care and care for chronic patients.
Source: Up to 2000: LHIC, annual report data . From 2001: HI HIC data from annual reports and
Compulsory Health Insurance Database (for day cases) Coverage: Up to 2000: discharges, excluding
healthy newborns, including day cases. From 2001: Discharge data excluding nursing patients, day
cases, healthy newborns.
Figures relate to the main acute public hospital. Source: Hospital Activity Analysis (HAA)
Data are for discharges (Stationary medical centres are included).
Breaks in series: 2002 and later includes healthy new born infants if mother was inpatient. Source
for 2006 and later is annual reports, Social Accountint and National Medical Registration. The data
cover all admissions for 24 hour care in general, university and short-stay specialized hospitals.
Excluded are all babies born in hospitals. Statistics Netherlands: Statistics of intramural health
care; National Medical Registration.
North Macedonia
Source: Institute for Public Health (IPH).
Number of discharges.
Source of data: National Statistical Institute Coverage: National
Russian Federation
Day cases are included.
Source: Institute of Public Health of Serbia.
The number of admissions includes admissions in hospitals of acute care except of admissions in
special departments designated for psychiatric care, long term care and rehabilitation
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana 1996.
Number of discharges in general hospitals and especial hospitals with short-stay. Source up to 1996:
National Statistics Institute and Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Statistics on Health
Establishments Providing Inpatient Care. Source from 1996: Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.
Source: National Patient Register NBHW.
The data is restricted to inpatient cases (exclusion of day cases). Source of data: FSO Federal
Statistical Office, Neuchatel; Medical Statistics of Hospitals; yearly census.
Coverage: Full coverage of hospitals; sufficient (nearly full) coverage of inpatient and day cases
since 2002. Due to a modification of the legislation, day cases are not collected in 2009 anymore.
Deviation from the definition:
Estimation method: Discharges without a valid ICD-code are not accounted for (negligible).
Break in time series: The gradual change of diagnosis classification since 2008 from ICD-10 WHO to
ICD-10 GM (German Modification) may lead to breaks for some categories.
Source: General Directorate of Curative Services. Method: Total number of hospital admissions;
covers the Ministry of Health, university and private hospitals. Newborns are included. Admissions
to acute hospitals, mental health hospitals, physical treatment, and rehabilitation hospitals were
not included.
Source: Administrative medical statistics, forms: 14 ?Report on hospital activity? and 016/y
?Summary statement of account of patients and hospital beds?
Included only admissions in public hospitals under Ministry of Health.
Source: Centre of Health Statistics, Ministry of Health
United Kingdom
Source of Data: England - NHS Information Centre.
Scotland - NHS National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (ISD).
Wales - NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), Patient Episode Database.
N. Ireland - Department for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, HIS.

Coverage: Data relates to NHS discharges in acute care hospitals. Data may not be complete as
further submissions may be received at a later date. Figures are based on completed hospital spells
& diagnosis at discharge, with the exception of Scottish maternity data which is episode based.

Estimation Method: Scotland could not provide 2010 data due to data completeness issues and so this
figure has been estimated using 2009 data for Scotland. This figure will be revised when 2010 data
for Scotland is available.

Break in Time Series: Data from 2000 onwards is not comparable with data from prior to this. This
is due to work conducted to improve compliance with definitions and consistency of methodologies
across the four parts of the UK
2010 - All data is financial year data with the exception of Scotland whose data is calendar year.