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  • Number of acute care hospital beds Number of acute care hospital beds (Line chart)
  • Number of acute care hospital beds Number of acute care hospital beds (Bar chart)
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Number of bedsChart context menuNumber of acute care hospital beds196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150200k400k600k800k1 000k1 200k1 400k1 600k1 800k2 000k2 200k
Bosnia and Herzegovina (no data)
North Macedonia
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
San Marino (no data)
United Kingdom
WHO European Region (no data)
Members of the European Union
Members of the EU before May 2004 (EU15)
Members of the EU after May 2004 (EU13)
Members of the EU before Feb 2020
Commonwealth of Independent States
Central Asian Republics Information Network members (CARINFONET)
South-eastern Europe Health Network members (SEEHN) (no data)
Nordic countries
Small countries (no data)
Western Balkans (no data)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 565
Updated: 18 October 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Number of acute care hospital beds
Indicator code: E992763.T

Curative care (acute care) beds in hospitals (HP.1) are hospital beds that are available for curative care (HC.1 in the System of Health Accounts 1.0, classification excluding psychiatry).

Inclusion - Beds accommodating patients where the principal clinical intent is to do one or more of the following: manage labour (obstetrics), cure non-mental illness or provide definitive treatment of injury, perform surgery, relieve symptoms of non-mental illness or injury (excluding palliative care), reduce severity of non-mental illness or injury, protect against exacerbation and/or complication of non-mental illness and/or injury which could threaten life or normal functions, perform diagnostic or therapeutic procedures

Exclusion - Beds allocated for other functions of care (such as psychiatric care, rehabilitation, long-term care and palliative care) - Beds in mental health and substance abuse hospitals (HP.1.2) - Beds for rehabilitation (HC.2) - Beds for palliative care

Note: System of Health Accounts 1.0 is available from
Country/Area notes
Source: Ministry of Health.
Source of data: Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Hospital Statistics (annual average).
Reference period: 31st December.
Coverage: Complete.
Deviation from the definition: Beds in acute (short-term) hospitals (HP 1.1 und 1.3), excluding beds
for palliative care and psychiatric care (however, including some psychiatric care beds and beds in
mixed units for neurologic AND psychiatric care) and excluding some non-psychiatric care beds in HP
1.2; beds for same-day care are included.
Note: Data not available.
Source of data: Federal Service of Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, DG1
Organisation and Planning, Data management; Central Institution Database - Centraal
Ziekenhuisbestand (CZB).
Reference period: 1st of January.
- Bed indexes included are:
(B) treatment department ?TBC?
(C) diagnosis and surgical treatment department
(D) diagnosis and medical treatment department
(E) paediatrics
(H) single hospitalisation
(H*) mixed hospitalisation
(L) contagious diseases
(M) maternity
(NIC) intensive neonatal care and
(G) geriatrics in acute hospitals.
- During the 80?s, a reform of the health care sector took place, during which a number of hospital
beds were ?reconverted? into other kind of beds.
Source of data: National Statistical Institute, National Centre for Public Health and Analyses at
the Ministry of Health
Due to structural transformations in the health care system in 2011 the National Centre for Health
Information was transform into National Centre for Public Health and Analyses
Reference period: 31st of December
Source of data: Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Hospital structure and function
Reference period: 31st December
Starting from 2009 data do not include community care centres providing both in-patient and
out-patient services primarily engaged in out-patient services.
Coverage: Data include number of hospital beds in all public and private hospitals in Croatia,
except prison hospital.
Source of data: Statistical Service of Cyprus, Public sector administrative sources and Private
Clinics Inspectors for the Private Sector.
Validity of the source: For the years 1985, 1987, 1995 and 2000 figures were obtained from the
Census of Doctors, Dentists and Clinics.
Reference period: 31st December.
Coverage: Data refer to General and Rural Hospitals of the public sector, as well as the total
number of beds of the private sector. Beds corresponding to Not-for-profit privately owned hospitals
have not been counted.
Deviation from the definition: Beds for long-term care are included with beds for curative care.
Czech Republic

Source of data: Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. Survey on bed
resources of health establishments and their exploitation.
Reference period: End of the year.
- Until 1999 data cover only establishments of the health sector. Since 2000, data cover all
- Curative care beds encompass beds in university and acute care hospitals. Beds in departments and
workplaces of aftercare and nursing care, beds in psychiatric departments (wards) and beds for
healthy neonates are excluded.
- The above bed counts do not include provisional beds, beds for accompanying persons and temporary
beds (for less than 24 hours: day care beds, instrument beds such as dialysis beds, delivery beds).
- When an entire ward is closed for a long period of time, beds are not counted.
Break in time series: 2000.
Source of data: National Board of Health (2010: internal hospital beds database has been used).
Source of data:
- Since 1.01.2008 National Institute for Health Development, Department of Health Statistics.
- Data from routinely collected health care statistics submitted by health care providers (monthly
statistical report \Hospital beds and hospitalisation\").
Reference period: 31st December.
- All hospitals HP.1 (public and private sector) are included.
- Cots for neonates
Source of data: National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Care Register for Institutional
Health Care.
Estimation method: Since 1994, calculated beddays/365 or 366.
Break in time series: 2000. The series was recalculated from 2000 onwards to correspond to the SHA
2011 definitions.
Source of data: Ministere de la Sante et des Sports - Direction de la Recherche, des Etudes, de
l'Evaluation et des Statistiques (DREES). Data are from the ?Statistique Annuelle des Etablissements
de sante (SAE)?.
Reference period: 31st December.
- Data refer to metropolitan France and D.O.M. (overseas departments).
- Data include army hospitals from 2002 onwards.
- Curative care beds are beds for surgery, obstetrics and other medical care.
Source: Ministry of Health.
Note: Since 2012 annual report collected form the hospitals facilities did not contain information
related to the classification of hospital beds, only the total number is available.

Source of data: Federal Statistical Office, Hospital statistics (basic data of hospitals),
Statistisches Bundesamt, Fachserie 12, Reihe 6.1.1, table 2.1.3 and special calculations by the
Federal Statistical Office; or
Reference period: Annual average.
- Curative (acute) care beds comprise beds in general hospitals (HP.1.1) in all sectors (public,
not-for-profit and private).
- Excluded are beds in psychiatric departments of general hospitals, beds in mental health
hospitals, in prevention and rehabilitation facilities and beds in long-term nursing care
- Cots for healthy infants, recovery trolleys, emergency stretchers, surgical tables and beds for
same-day care and palliative care are also not included.
Source of data: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.), Hospital Census.
Reference period: Annual average.
Source of data: From 1994 Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund (OEP), Department of Financing
Informatics (GYOGYINFOK), Hospital bed and patient turnover account.
Coverage: Since 1994, this includes the number of acute hospital beds (all acute non psychiatric
care beds, excluding acute psychiatric care beds) run by hospitals under contract with OEP.
Reference period: 31 December.
Break in time series:
- In 1997, there was an 8% reduction in acute beds and an 11% reduction in long-term beds.
- In 2007, the number of acute care beds in hospitals contracted with OEP decreased significantly,
and there was an increase in the number of chronic hospital beds.
- Since 2007, the number of hospital beds in justice hospitals is included.
Source of data:
- Before 1989: Directorate of Health.
- From 1989 to 2006: The Ministry of Health and Social Security. (Reports on the activities of
hospitals 1989-2006).
- From 2007: The Ministry of Welfare.
Reference period: annual average.
- For 1989-1995: Beds in specialized hospitals (excluding psychiatry, rehabilitation, geriatrics and
nursing wards) are included. Small, general hospitals are also included, but only discharges for
bed-days under 90 days are counted.
- From 2007: Curative care beds in hospitals (health care facilities with 24-hour access to a
hospital physician).
Estimation method: Beds are calculated from bed-days and a 90% occupancy rate.
Break in time series: 1996, 2007.
Source of data:
- For 2006 onwards: Health Service Executive.
- For years prior to 2006: Department of Health and Children.
- Data refer to average available beds in publicly funded acute (HP1) hospitals only.
- Geriatric beds in public acute hospitals are excluded.
- Psychiatric beds in acute hospitals are excluded.
- Beds in private hospitals are not included.
Break in time series:
- Break in series occurs in 2009. Until 2008, curative care beds included geriatric beds in acute
- Up to and including 1996, figures refer to beds, excluding day beds, in publicly funded acute
hospitals where the average length of stay is 18 days or less. From 1997 on, figures refer to beds
in Health Service Executive network hospitals only.
- Data for 1980-1986 included beds in short-stay district hospitals.

Source of data: The data are based on the Medical Institutions License Registry maintained by the
Department of Medical Facilities and Equipment Licensing and the Health Information Division in the
Ministry of Health.
Reference period: End of the year.
Coverage: Includes all licensed acute care beds in acute care, mental health and specialty
* Note: The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant
Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the
Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of
international law.
Source of data: Ministry of Health - D.G. of Health Information System - Office of Statistics.
Reference period: Annual average.
- All public, not for-profit and private hospitals are registered.
- Until 1999 data includes all in-patient beds except psychiatric care beds and long-term care beds.
From 2000, data include all in-patient beds except rehabilitative care beds, psychiatric care beds
and long-term care beds.
Source of data: The Centre of Health Economics; Database of hospital beds' utilization;
Reference period: Up to 1999: end of the year, from 2000: mid-year.
Break in series: 2000: Change in reference period.
Source of data: Health Information Centre of Institute of Hygiene, data of entire annual survey of
health establishments. Report ?Health Statistics of Lithuania?, available from
Reference period: 31st December
Coverage: The number of hospital beds excluding tuberculosis, rehabilitation, psychiatric and
substance abuse, nursing beds.
Source of data: National Health Insurance (CNS) - data included in the budget.
Reference period: Annual average.
- Functional rehabilitation and readjustment beds are no longer included in this heading.
- It is not currently possible to remove palliative care beds; they are therefore included.
- Data include beds for curative care (HC.1) in general hospitals and specialised institutions
(HP.1.1 and HP.1.3 from ICHA-HP terminology). These data have only been available since 2004.
Source of data: Joint collation by Department of Health Information & Research, Health Care Services
Standards, Health Division within Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care, and
individual institutions.
Reference period: end of the year
Strict criteria according to definitions were used in collation of available hospital beds from 2005
onwards. This will explain the shift in numbers from other years. Changes in numbers of available
beds for 2007 are mainly due to restructuring and changes in numbers of available beds with the
\migration\" of the main State general Hospital in Malta (St. Luke's Hospital) to the new \"Mater Dei
Hospital\". The old State main General Hospital in Malta was closed down. However
Source of data: The source for all data submitted is the Institute of Public Health. Some additional
information can be found in Health Statistical Yearbooks available at
Reference period: December 31st.
Coverage: Only data from public sector were included. Beds in Stationary Medical centers are also

Break in time series: From 2005 beds from specialised hospitals (other than mental health hospitals)
are included.
Note: The data for hospital beds updated for the period 2005-2011. Subsequently, the data for the
previous period before 2005 will be revised.
Source of data:
- 1990-2000: Annual survey Statistics Netherlands.
- 2001-2005: Prismant, annual survey.
- 2006 onwards: Annual reports social account which the hospitals are required to deliver, plus data
from the NZA (Dutch Health Authority).
Reference period:
- 1990-2000: Annual average.
- 2001 onwards: 1 January.
Coverage: Beds in general and university hospitals; includes beds for same-day care.
- Until 2001: excludes cots for healthy infants.
- From 2002: includes cots for healthy infants.
Deviation from the definition:
- 1990-1993: Average number of licensed beds.
1994-2005: Actual number of beds (average).
- 2006 onwards: Licensed beds
Break in time series: 1994, 2001, 2006 and 2010 due to changes in the data source and coverage.
North Macedonia
Source of data: Institute for Public Health-Skopje. Report for hospitals (3-21-60).
Reference period: 31st December.
Coverage: includes all the beds in general hospitals, the beds in the Clinical centre Skopje (except
for psychiatry), General City Hospital- Skopje (ObGyn and Surgery) and Special hospital for
paediatric respiratory diseases.
Source of data: Statistics Norway. Specialist Health Services. Annual data collection.
- See
Reference period: Annual average.
Break in time series: 2002. The hospitals were transferred from the municipalities to the central
government in 2001.
Source of data: The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Interior
and Administration and the Central Statistical Office.
Reference period: 31st December.
- From 2003 onwards, acute care beds comprise beds in general and specialised hospitals, including
data on hospitals of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of the Interior and
Administration which were not calculated before. Palliative and rehabilitation wards are excluded in
Break in time series:
- In time period 2003-2007, palliative and rehabilitation beds are included.
- From 2008 onwards, palliative and rehabilitation beds are excluded and neonatology wards (beds and
incubators for newborns) are included (in 2008 the Ministry of Health changed the methodology of
counting beds in general hospitals).
Source of data: Statistics Portugal - Hospital Survey.
Reference period: Average between the quarters.
- The Hospital Survey began in 1985. This survey covers the whole range of hospitals acting in
Portugal: hospitals managed by the National Health Service (public hospitals with universal access),
non-public state hospitals (military and prison) and private hospitals.
- Data include total hospital beds, less the beds from psychiatric and substance abuse treatment
hospitals as well as alcoholic rehabilitation.
Break in time series: 1999. The strong decrease in hospital beds in 1999 is due to a break in series
associated with the exclusion of emergency beds from then on.
Republic of Moldova
Source of data: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, National Centre for Health
Management, Annual statistical report N30, enclosure 1 ?On hospital activities of health care
institutions? and statistical report N1 ?On activities of a private economical agent for health
service provision?
Reference period: Data as of December 31.
Coverage: Data exclude Transnistria.
Source of data: National Institute of Statistics and Ministry of Public Health.
Reference period: data as of 31st December.
From 1970 to 1998, data refer only to the public sector, excluding beds from sanatoria and
The major differences that are at the number of beds are due to multiple changes in the sanitary
network from Romania and the aim to have a more efficient sanitary activity.
Starting with 1992 hospitals analysed their efficiency as related to, among others, the number of
beds (according to the Ministry of Health policies) and it can be noticed that, as result, the
number of beds decreased considerably. In addition, some of the hospital units located in other
counties than the base hospitals were converted in independent units (hospitals). Therefore, in
1992, parallel with a significant decrease in the number of hospital beds, an increase in the number
of hospitals can be observed.
Break in the series: 1999.
Russian Federation
Beds for day-cases are included.
Source of data: Institute of Public Health of Serbia, National hospital register.
Reference period: 31st December
Coverage: Data for Kosovo-Metohija province are not included in the coverage of data for the
Republic of Serbia. Data from health institutions under the other ministries (military services,
prisons, social services) than the Ministry of Health are not included. Data for privately owned
hospitals are not included.
Source of data: National Health Information Center, regular statistical findings within the State
Statistical Program. Annual report (MZ SR) 1-01 on bed fund of health facility in SR.
Reference period: 31st December.
Coverage: Acute care beds = (number of beds in hospitals) minus (beds in psychiatric hospitals,
departments for long-term treatment, psychiatric and gerontopsychiatry departments of hospitals,
post-care beds and beds in institutes of complex post-care and rehabilitation and long-term nursing
care beds ,beds in hospital departments for drug addictions treatment and centers for drug
addictions treatment ).
Break in time series: 2005 - change of types of facilities resulting from legal changes in
accordance with Act No 578/2004 on health care providers.
Source of data: The National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, National
Hospital Health Care Statistics Database.
Reference: Annual average.
Source of data:
- Before 1996: National Statistics Institute and Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Statistics
on Health Establishments Providing Inpatient Care.
- From 1996 to 2009: Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equity from Statistics on Health
Establishments Providing Inpatient Care (ESCRI).
- Since 2010: Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equity from Specialised Care Information
System (Sistema de Informacion de Atencion Especializada - SIAE).
Reference period: Annual average.
Coverage: All public and private hospitals in Spain are included (the total number of hospitals is
slightly lower than the total of hospitals included at the National Catalogue as some hospitals
provide statistics grouped as a complex, and some of them do not provide data).
Source of data:
- Before 2001: Federation of Swedish County Councils and The National Board of Health and Welfare,
Basarsstatistik and Statistisk Arsbok for Landsting (several issues).
- From 2001: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (earlier Federation of Swedish
County Councils), Statistik om halso- och sjukvard samt regional utveckling Verksamhet och ekonomi i
landsting och regioner (several issues).
Reference period:
- Before 2001: 31st December.
- From 2001: Annual average. As per 2001, the term average disposable beds is used.
- Curative care beds: Until 2000 short-term care. As per 2001, specialised somatic care and
geriatric care are excluded. As per 2001, some private care financed by the county/regional councils
is included. Data from 2001 are not comparable with earlier years.
- Until 2000: Note that even when an entire ward is closed for a long period of time these beds are
- Curative (acute) care beds: As per 1998, there are new definitions of beds in admission
departments and intensive care wards. That means that beds in these departments are about 900 less
than the year before. This influences the figures for total in-patient care beds and acute care
Break in time series: 2001.
Source of data: FSO Federal Statistical Office, Neuchatel, hospital statistics; yearly census.
Deviation from the definition: Annual average number of beds in use (the number of bed-days during
the year divided by 365), for all years.
Estimation method: Until 2002 (included), extrapolation to correct for partial coverage of
Source of data: General Directorate for Health Services, Ministry of Health.
- Acute care beds are beds in all acute care hospitals in the MoH, universities, the private sector
and others (except for the Ministry of Defence hospital beds).
- Acute care beds include all types of beds except psychiatric care beds and physical treatment and
rehabilitation beds.
Source of data: Report from of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. ? 17
?Health employment?
Reference period: 31 December.
United Kingdom
Source of data:
- England - Department of Health, from KH03, England;
- Northern Ireland - Hospital Activity Statistics from Department of Health, Social Services and
Public Safety, Korner Return Kh03a;
- Wales - Health Statistics Wales,
- Scotland - ISD Scotland, NHS National Service Scotland;
Reference period: Annual average.
- Does not include private sector.
- Data are for financial years (1st April to 31st March). E.g. data for financial year 1st April
2008 - 31st March 2009 are presented as 2008.
Deviation from the definition:
- England: It is not possible to separate long-term care beds and Other Hospital Beds from curative
care beds.
- In Wales it is not possible to separate curative geriatric beds from long-term geriatric beds.
Therefore, for consistency purposes, curative care beds for the UK includes long-term care beds and
Other Hospital Beds.
- Scotland: Scotland data are provided according to the definition (i.e. the curative care data
exclude mental health, long-term care and rehabilitation beds). As England and Wales cannot separate
long-term care beds from curative care beds, to attain comparable figures for Scotland, the number
of curative care beds would need to be added to the number of long-term care beds.
- England: Rehabilitation beds are included with curative beds, as it is not possible to separate
- Northern Ireland: Only those specialties within the Acute Programme of Care (PoC 1) as defined by
Northern Ireland have been included in this category. These specialties are as follows: 100, 101,
110, 120, 130, 140, 141, 142, 143, 150, 160, 170, 171, 172, 180, 190, 191, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304,
305, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 361, 370, 371, 400, 401, 410, 420, 421,
431, 450, 460, 502, 620, 800, 810, 820, 822, 823, 824, 830, 832, 900, 901, 990, 991, 999.
Break in time series:
- England: The data from 2010 are lower because the methodology changed. From Quarter 1 2010/11 the
KH03 collection was changed to a quarterly collection. The classification for bed occupancy was
changed from ward type to the consultant specialty of the responsible consultant. This followed
consultation with the NHS, as concerns had been expressed that the ward classifications, which were
set in the late 1980s, were no longer relevant.