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  • Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 (Line chart)
  • Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 (Bar chart)
  • Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 (Map)
  • Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000 (Boxplot chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 565
Updated: 18 October 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000
Indicator code: E110503.T This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"Number of deaths due to work-related accidents\".

Self-explanatory. See 115502 above._
Country/Area notes
Insurance System.
Source of data: National Health Information Analytic Center, Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Data collected annually, reference period: 31 December.
Source: Funds for Work Accidents
( All
deadly work-related accidents are included. Commuting accidents on the way to or from work are
excluded. Remark: the data refer only to people working in the private sector.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal office of statistics
Statistical Institute of Republic of Srpska; http://
Until 1998 commuting accidents were included. From 1999 they are excluded.
Source: State Labour Inspection Office, Czech Mining Office.
Source: From 2002 onward: Danish Working Environment Authority (
Break in the time series: from year 2006 to year 2007.
Source: National Labour Inspectorate. National Working Environment Board of Estonia.
Up to 1997 accidents on the way to or from work are included. Since 1998 they are excluded.
Data updated in December 2014.
Source: Statistics Finland
Source of data: ILO until 2007 then insurance system ( the data are consistent)
Source: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and Federal Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health, Annual statistical report of the Federal Government on the state of safety and health at
work and on work accidents and occupational diseases in the Federal Republic of Germany. or
Coverage: Data contain the number of lethal occupational accidents of those insured by legal
accident insurance institutions. An occupational accident is an accident, which a person insured
suffers because he or she exercises an insured activity inside or outside of the workplace (õ 8 SGB
VII). Work-related accidents are reported statistically as \lethal (fatal) accidents\" when the death
occurred immediately or within 30 days after the accident. Commuting accidents on the way to or from
work are excluded.
Deviation from the definition: Only the number of lethal occupational accidents can be provided. It
is assumed
Includes cases of mine accidents.
Source: Administration of Occupational Safety & Health in Iceland. Based on notified cases.
Source: Health and Safety Authority. ILO for the years 1980 to 1989 where figures related to 20% of
work places.
According to the National Insurance Institute numbers do not include deaths of those without
Source: National Insurance Institute.
Source: INAIL Open data. For years before 2005 data includes accidents which occurred in each year
and have been compensated before the end of the next year. Since 2005 data refer to accidents which
occurred in each year and have been compensated before 30 April of two years later (e.g. 2005:
accidents occurred in 2005 and compensated before 30 April 2007). Latest year of data is
provisional. The years 2010-2014 have been update to 31.10.2015.
Source: Central Statistical Office (CSO)
Total number of persons killed in certified work related accidents. All industries. Agriculture,
public administration, army are included. Deaths due to occupational diseases and commuting
accidents are excluded.
Source: Association Assurance Accident (Safety Insurance Association) within the social security
Source: Occupational National Statistics Office.
Source: Statistics Netherlands: Cause-of-death statistics with additional data. Number of deaths due
to work-related accidents.
Break in series 2012: 2012 onwards: covers only employees from 15 until 65 years, not the
self-employed. Before 2012: including self-employed, and including children who died on the
Coverage: Data up to and incl. 1992 relate to accidents that occurred to employees in the
non-government sector. The number of deaths due to work-related accidents relate from 1996 onwards
to the entire labour force, so incl. the self-employed. The data in the table do not include deaths
due to traffic accidents that occurred in the course of work. In 1996 there were 31 such deaths.
North Macedonia
Source: Annual report for occupational injuries; Institute for Public Health (IPH)
Source of data: Central Statistical Office.
Coverage: Accidents at work on private farms in agriculture are not included.
Source of data: Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security Coverage: National
Includes accidents involving dislocated workers abroad. Accidents involving employees of public
administration, as well as accidents on the way are also excluded.

Break in time series: the data for 2000 are not comparable with previous years. A new methodology
was adopted which is more thorough and data from 2000 are considered as a new data series.
No data are available.
Source: National Labour Inspectorate
Notified cases of fatal injuries due to accidents at work are included (employers information to
health insurance system and labour inspectorate). From 2008, fatal cases on way to work and from
work (commuting are excluded).
Source of data: National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia (NIJZ), Injuries at Work data base.
Source: Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales. Anuario de Estadisticas Laborales y de Asuntos
Sociales Ministry of Employment and Social Segurity. Estatistics of work-related accidents and
occupational diseases

Total number of deaths in work-accident during the work hours.
Data for 1996 are provisional.
Source: Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Fatal accidents at work among employees and self-employed persons. We usually put a mark at the
figure concerning 1994 (204 fatal cases). 142 of these people, travelling at work, were killed in
one vessel disaster.
Source of data: Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution.
Data were collected from the SGK(SSI) Statistical Yearbooks.
Method: From 1988, deaths caused by occupational diseases were included.
Source: State Statistic Department