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  • Mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males (age-standardized death rate) Mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males (age-standardized death rate) (Line chart)
  • Mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males (age-standardized death rate) Mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males (age-standardized death rate) (Bar chart)
  • SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males (Boxplot chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

Indicator notes
SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males
Indicator code: E993701.M This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000\".

SDR is the age-standardized death rate calculated using the direct method, i.e. represents what the crude rate would have been if the population had the same age distribution as the standard European population. ICD-10 code: F00-F99, G00-G99, H00-H95.

Country/Area notes
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