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  • Mid-year male population Mid-year male population (Line chart)
  • Mid-year population Mid-year population (Bar chart)
Data set notes
European Health for All database

Indicators: 618
Updated: 24 January 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
•    SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
•    FTE: full-time equivalent
•    PP: physical persons
•    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.

European mortality database

European mortality database allows age- and sex-specific analysis of mortality trends by broad disease-groups, as well as dis-aggregated to 67 specific causes of death. Data reach back to 1980.,-age-and-sex-hfa-mdb
Indicator notes
Mid-year male population
Indicator code: pop.Publish.M This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"Mid-year population\".

Estimate of resident (de jure) population on 1 July of given calendar year. Usually, it is calculated as an average of end-year estimates. The central statistical office (CSO) is the source in most countries. This data item is used as denominator to calculate most other indicators. Although \"de facto\" population would be preferable, the \"de jure\" population is used because it is more commonly available, particularly in age-disaggregated form. However, in case of some countries, particularly in those which were effected by war situation in 1990s, the difference between official population estimates and actually residing in country population (i.e. de facto) may be too large. In such cases special efforts should be made to provide also estimates for \"de facto\" population to be used as a denominator. Since 2000 data collection cycle, a separate entry for \"de facto\" population is provided (indicator 999997).WHO usually receives mid-year population by sex and age, together with annual mortality data. However, for some countries there is a delay of 2 or even more years in reporting mortality and population by age, making it impossible to calculate many indicators for which numerator data are available for more recent years. In such cases, countries are expected to provide at least provisional figures on total population by sex only; these will be automatically replaced later with the final population data from the mortality data reporting system.

If these data are not available, UN population estimates (based on projections) are used for the most recent year until they are replaced by national estimates received from countries. In some case this may cause some inconsistent trend for the latest year._
Country/Area notes
INSTAT (estimation).
Source of data: National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia . Data
collected annually.
Note: In 2005 retroactively adjusted population data was received and all indicators were
Source: Statistics Belgium (National Institute for Statistics).
2011 marks a (slight) break. From January 1, 2011 the definition of the population imposed by
Eurostat was applied; this mainly means the integration of asylum seekers listed in the waiting
registry in our statistics. Also, the mid-year population is not calculated as an average anymore,
but is the observed registered population in the National Civil Registry.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Federal Office of Statistics
Statistical Institute of Republic of Srpska; http://
Definition changed between 1995-1996 from 'de jure' to 'de facto' principles. Population estimate
for 1996 has been based on the 1991 census according to the 'de facto' principle, balance of
international migration 1991-1996 and natural increase for that respective period.
The population for 1995 was estimated by the 'de jure' principle which means that persons were
enrolled according to the place of permanent residence, regardless whether present or absent.
Temporarily present persons were not included in the total number of inhabitants.
Coverage: Data refer to population in government controlled areas.
Figures from 2002 onwards have been revised according to the results of the Population Census 2011.
Source: Czech Statistical Office (CZSO).
Source: Statbank Denmark (
1970 - 1992: Table HISB5
1993 - 2006: Table BEF6
2007: table BEF607
2008 - : table FOLK1
Source: Statistical Office of Estonia.
Estimation method: Average end-of-year estimates.
Revised numbers between censuses 1989 and 2000.
Data for 2000-2012 revised in December 2014.
Source: Statistics Finland
Source of data: Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques (INSEE)
Coverage: France metropolitan only.
Source: National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat)
Population estimates for Georgia from the early 1990s are particularly inaccurate due to armed
conflicts in the first half of the 1990s and unregistered migration. From 1993-1994 the Abkhasia and
Tzkhinvali regions, which are not under central government control, were not included in national
mortality and other health-related statistics. Population figures, that were used as denominators
for calculation of mortality rates and other indicators in the HFA-DB, have been adjusted to take
into account the non-reporting regions and migration. These figures may still be significantly
biased though and the interpretation of mortality-based and the majority of other indicator data for
Georgia during and after the 1990s should be done with caution, keeping in mind the relatively low
accuracy of raw data used for both numerator and denominator.
Source: Federal Statistical Office, Update of the state of the population - annual average,
Fachserie 1, Reihe 1.3. or
Coverage: The average population includes all persons, who have their (permanent) place of residence
in the federal territory. Foreign employees who live in the federal territory are included. Members
of the foreign armed forces are not included.
Estimation method: The data of the annual average population for one calendar year is the arithmetic
average of 12 monthly averages. The monthly averages are calculated from the state of population at
the beginning and at the end of a month.
Break in time series: The population numbers prior to 2011 are taken from the Update of the
Population based on earlier censuses (Former Federal Republic of Germany 1987, German Democratic
Republic 1990). Starting from 2011 the population numbers are based on the Federal Census (census
data as of 27 November 2015). Therefore, for the years from 2011 onwards differences to previous
publications of population related numbers are possible.
Population figures for 1990-2000 have been retroactively adjusted using latest population census
Source: Statistics Iceland.
1997-2010: ?de facto? population on 1 July.
Before 1997 and again as of 2011: average of population.
Source: Central Statistics Office, Population estimates at mid- April each year are preliminary
estimates. Population estimates for 2007-2010 are final. 2011 data comes from Census of Population.
Data for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 is preliminary.
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics.
Source: ISTAT.
It is calculated as an average of beginning-year estimates. Data for the year 2015 are provisional
data at 1st july 2015.
Source: Central Statistical Office (CSO).
August 2003: Population figures for 1989-2001 have been retroactively adjusted using latest
population census data.
June 2013: Population figures for 2001-2011 have been retroactively adjusted using latest population
census data.
Source: STATEC. Service central de la statistique et des etudes,economiques.
The national statistics office (NSO), since 2000, gives the mid-year resident population (Maltese
and foreign residents). Thus mid-year population should also include all resident population in the
Maltese islands.
Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro. Estimates from 2004 to 2014 are in accordance with the
methodology of last census 2011.
Source of data: Statistics Netherlands, Vital statistics system.
North Macedonia
Source: State Statistical Office (SSO)
Source of data: Central Statistical Office.
Data for 2010 and 2011 were verified after National Census 2011
Source of data: National Statistical Institute Coverage: National
Note: The final estimates of the resident population 2001 - 2010, were revised on the basis of the
final results of the 2011 Census.
Republic of Moldova
Source of data: Census and current statistics on natural movement and migration of population.
Current estimates of the resident population on 1 January of given calendar year are calculated on
the basis of the results of the last census adding annually the number of births and arrivals on a
given territory and subtracting the number of deaths and those who left given territory. This takes
into account changes in the population resulting from administrative-territorial reforms.
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) receives data on the natural movement of the population from
the Ministry of Justice (Civil Status Service). The databases of administrative sources: Ministry of
Information Technology and Communications (State Information Resources Center ®Registru¯) and the
Ministry of the Internal Affairs (Bureau for Migration and Refugees) provide Information on
For more information:
Coverage: From 1997, livebirth and mortality data (plus population data used to calculate mortality
rates), do not include data for Transnistria. From 2004, total population figures published in
HFA-DB exclude Transnistria. Data on the natural growth of the population include individual cases
of registration of births and deaths of inhabitants of Transnistria and Bender municipality. The
migration growth included in the current calculations of population differs from the reporting data
due to amendments in some cases of relocation of residents of Transnistria and Bender municipality.
Source of data: the National Institute for Statistics of Romania.
The source of this data is The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic which provides approximated
values, on the basis of indices of natural movement of inhabitants, for 1 July. The data about the
number of population are updated after taking a census of inhabitants in ten-year period. The last
census was taken in 1991.
Source of data: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.
Break in time series: The data between 1995 and 2007 include:
citizens of Slovenia with permanent residence in Slovenia, excluding those who have been abroad more
than three months and gave notice of their departure at the administrative unit of their permanent
foreigners with issued permission for permanent residence in Slovenia, who registered a permanent
foreigners with issued permission for temporary residence in Slovenia, who registered a temporary
foreigners with a valid work permit or business visa, who registered a temporary residence in
refugees according to the Asylum Act to whom asylum was admitted and refugee status was granted in
persons under temporary protection in Slovenia.
From 2008 onwards, the population of Slovenia consists of all persons usually resident in Slovenia,
i.e. persons, regardless of their citizenship, who intend to live in Slovenia for at least one year.
This includes the following:
Persons who have registered permanent residence in Slovenia, excluding those who have been abroad
for one year or more and gave notice of their departure in the administrative unit of their
permanent residence.
Persons who have registered temporary residence in Slovenia with the total duration of at least one
Persons who have registered both permanent and temporary residence in Slovenia, excluding those who
have been abroad for one year or more and gave notice of their departure in the administrative unit
of their permanent residence.
More information:
Source: National Statistics Institute, extracted from ?Population figures and Demographic Censuses.
Population figures.?
Source of data: Statistics Sweden, average population by sex and year (Online Statistical Database: Table BE0101A5)
Population figures have been adjusted back for the period 1989-2000 using population census data of
Source of data: TURKSTAT (Turkish Statistical Institute).
From 1970 to 1989 data were based on mid-year estimations are calculated by using the results of
From 1990 to 2006, data were based on mid-year estimations of national population projections
(cohort-component method) and are calculated by using the results of 2008 Address Based Population
Registration System (ABPRS) and final results of 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.
During 2007-2008 ABPRS (Address-Based Population Registration System) was introduced and the
population is according to ABPRS.
Between 2007 and 2013, the indicators are based on the mid-year values, which were calculated and
converted from the end of year results of ABPRS (Address Based Population Registration System).
Estimate of resident inhabitants for year N as an average of estimate for 1 Jan N and 1 Jan N+1.
Source of data: State Statistic Department
United Kingdom
Source: Office for National Statistics.
General notes

Understanding the Mid-Year Male Population

The mid-year male population figure is not merely a statistic; it serves as a critical tool for analyzing societal dynamics and demographic shifts. Each year, on July 1st, data is collected to capture the global male population at the year's midpoint. This specific date is chosen to provide a consistent benchmark that facilitates the comparison of demographic data across different regions and time periods. Such synchronization helps in deriving meaningful insights into economic, social, and health-related trends, offering a comprehensive view of male population dynamics worldwide.

Calculating the Mid-Year Male Population

The calculation of the mid-year male population is a detailed process that involves several demographic variables. Starting with the initial male population at the beginning of the year, demographers add the number of births and subtract the number of deaths, adjusting further for net migration, which includes both immigration and emigration figures. The formula used is: Mid-Year Male Population = Initial Male Population + Births - Deaths + Net Migration. This calculation relies heavily on accurate and timely data from vital statistics and immigration records, which can sometimes be challenging to obtain, especially in regions with less robust data collection systems.

The Importance of Mid-Year Male Population Data

Accurate mid-year male population figures are crucial for effective public administration and business planning. Governments utilize these statistics to tailor public services such as healthcare, education, and social welfare to the needs of the population. This data helps in understanding population density and growth trends, enabling policymakers to make informed decisions. Similarly, businesses leverage this information to better understand market demographics, optimize supply chains, and develop products that meet the specific needs of different communities, thereby enhancing their operational efficiency and market reach.

Strengths and Limitations of Mid-Year Male Population Data

While the mid-year male population data is invaluable, it comes with its own set of strengths and limitations that affect its utility across various contexts.


The primary strength of this data lies in its standardization and global comparability. It enables consistent and comparative demographic studies across countries and over time, facilitating international cooperation in economic, social, and environmental planning. This data is crucial for allocating resources effectively and planning for sustainable development. It supports a wide array of applications, from forecasting economic demand to planning urban development and assessing environmental impacts.


However, the reliability of mid-year population figures can be compromised by the accuracy of underlying demographic data. In regions where data on births, deaths, and migration are not precisely collected, the population estimates can be significantly skewed. Moreover, the mid-year snapshot does not account for seasonal population fluctuations, which can be particularly pronounced in tourist destinations or agricultural areas with seasonal labor demands. Additionally, this data point may miss short-term demographic shifts caused by sudden migrations or natural disasters, as it captures population only at a mid-year mark, potentially overlooking rapid changes occurring at other times.

In conclusion, while the mid-year male population data is a powerful tool for demographic analysis, it must be used with an understanding of its inherent strengths and limitations to fully leverage its benefits in planning and decision-making processes.