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  • HEPA_9 Special target groups addressed by the national HEPA policy HEPA_9 Special target groups addressed by the national HEPA policy (Map)
  • HEPA_9 Special target groups addressed by the national HEPA policy HEPA_9 Special target groups addressed by the national HEPA policy (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Proportion of countries accomplishing each of the 23 HEPA indicators Proportion of countries accomplishing each of the 23 HEPA indicators (Bar chart)
Data set notes
Health-enhancing physical activity

Indicators: 23
Updated: 31 January 2023

Health-enhancing physical activity
This dataset presents country information about health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) policy implementation. It provides an overview of information on a group of indicators regarding physical activity monitoring and surveillance, recommendations, cross-sectoral approach, and national actions on several sectors such as health, sports, education, urban planning, transports, public awareness, etc.
The dataset is based on the European Commission’s monitoring framework for the implementation of policies to promote HEPA, following the European Union (EU) Physical Activity Guidelines, that is regularly assessed through a questionnaire answered by the EU Physical Activity Focal Points Network. The 27 EU Member States of the WHO European Region participated.
26 Member States of the WHO European Region are marked as “Did not participate in survey” in the dataset; these are the countries for which there is no data in the survey.
Data has been collected by the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases at the Division of Country Health Programmes, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with the Sport Unit at the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission.
Current data is available for 2021, and future data collection is foreseen.
Data was published in the '2021 physical activity factsheets for the European Union Member States in the WHO European Region’, report available in English:

HEPA_1: Recommendations on physical activity
HEPA_2: Levels of physical activity in adults
HEPA_3: Levels of physical activity in children and adolescents
HEPA_4: Coordination mechanism on HEPA promotion
HEPA_5: Funding for HEPA promotion
HEPA_6: Sports for All
HEPA_7: Sports Club for Health
HEPA_8: Access for socially disadvantaged groups
HEPA_9: Special target groups
HEPA_10: Surveillance of physical activity in health
HEPA_11: Counselling on physical activity
HEPA_12: Training of health professionals
HEPA_13: Physical education in schools
HEPA_14: Physical activity promotion in schools
HEPA_15: Training of physical education teachers
HEPA_16: Active travel to school
HEPA_17: Level of cycling and walking
HEPA_18: Infrastructures for leisure-time physical activity
HEPA_19: Active travel to work
HEPA_20: Physical activity at the workplace
HEPA_21: Community interventions for older adults
HEPA_22: Evaluation of HEPA policies
HEPA_23: Awareness campaign on physical activity
Indicator notes
This indicator represents the response to the EU HEPA Indicator 9: Does thecountry have established at least one national HEPA policy or action plan specifically targeting a special group (Children under 5; Older adult [65+]; Frail/elderly [85+]; People with disability; People with chronic diseases; During pregnancy; During breastfeeding; Low socio-economic groups; Ethnic minorities; Deprived of liberty; Migrants; Unemployed)? Response options: Yes; No
Country/Area notes
No information