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  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11 year-old boys] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11 year-old boys] (Map)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11 year-old girls] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11 year-old girls] (Map)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [13 year-old boys] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [13 year-old boys] (Map)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [13 year-old girls] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [13 year-old girls] (Map)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [15 year-old boys] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [15 year-old boys] (Map)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [15 year-old girls] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [15 year-old girls] (Map)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11 year-olds] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11 year-olds] (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [13 year-olds] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [13 year-olds] (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [15 year-olds] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [15 year-olds] (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11, 13 and 15-year olds] Proportion of young people who report good or very good perceived school performance [11, 13 and 15-year olds] (Horizontal bar chart)
Data set notes
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children

Indicators: 152
Updated: 06 July 2020

Further information:

This is an aggregated dataset underlying the WHO international report on health behavior of school-aged children, surveys conducted in 2014 and 2018. HBSC teams provided disaggregated data for Belgium, United Kingdom and Denmark.  Belgium data is presented as Belgium (Flanders – collected in Flemish) and Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels – collected in French).  United Kingdom data is presented as England, Scotland and Wales.  Data from Greenland is presented separately from Denmark. 
The average is the HBSC average, presented  is based on equal weighting of each region, regardless of differences in achieved sample size or country population. Countries are marked where there was a significant gender difference in prevalence.
The HBSC research network is an international alliance of researchers that collaborate on tlth and well-being, social environments and health behaviours. These years mark a period of increased autonomy that can influence how their health and health-related behaviours develop. As such, the HBSC study is the product of topic-focused groups that collaborate to develop the conceptual foundations of the study, identify research questions, decide the methods and measurements to be employed, and work on data analyses and the dissemination of findings.
The HBSC Network is committed to increasing transparency in its work whilst preserving their intellectual property. The data is available for external use by agreement with the HBSC International Coordinator and the Principal Investigators. Information on how to request further data can be found on
Indicator notes
Young people were asked what, in their opinion, their class teacher(s) thinks about their school performance compared to their classmates. Response options ranged from below average to very good. Findings presented here show the proportions who reported good or very good school performance.
Country/Area notes
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