Indicator full name: Use of national EHR system by secondary care facilities (e.g. hospitals, emergency care) , and proportion using it
Unit: number of responses
- Country/Area (COUNTRY/AREA)
- Supranational group of countries (COUNTRY_GRP)
- Proportion of facilities using EHR (PROPORTION_USING_EHR)
- Yes, No, Unknown (YES_NO_UNK)
Years data is available:
Indicator is part of data set(s):
Last updated: 02 June 2017
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Related indicators in
- Electronic medical billing systems used in the health sector eHealth
- The importance of other barriers to EHR programmes eHealth
- Human resources for health information systems used in the health sector eHealth
- International standards used to support the national EHR system eHealth
- National EHR system exists eHealth
- Specific legislation governing the use of the national electronic health record (EHR) system exists eHealth
- Supply chain management information systems for health used in the health sector eHealth
- Systems linking to national EHR eHealth
- The importance of capacity as a barrier to EHR programmes eHealth
- The importance of cost–effectiveness as a barrier to EHR programmes eHealth
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- Use of national EHR system by secondary care facilities (e.g. hospitals, emergency care) , and proportion using it (Map)
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- Health facilities' uptake of the national EHR system (Horizontal bar chart)
- Use of national EHR system by secondary care facilities (Horizontal bar chart)
- Proportion of secondary care facilities using the national EHR system (Horizontal bar chart)
- Use of national EHR system by secondary care facilities (Horizontal bar chart)
- Proportion of secondary care facilities using the national EHR system (Horizontal bar chart)
- Use of national EHR system by secondary care facilities, and proportion using it (Heat map chart)
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- Use of national EHR system by secondary care facilities, and proportion using it (Horizontal bar chart)
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Data set notes
eHealth survey 2015
Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Indicator notes
No information
Country/Area notes
No information