Indicator full name: Legislation exists to protect the privacy of personally identifiable data of individuals, irrespective of whether it is in paper or digital format
Unit: number of responses
- Country/Area (COUNTRY/AREA)
- Supranational group of countries (COUNTRY_GRP)
- Yes, No, Unknown (YES_NO_UNK)
Years data is available:
Indicator is part of data set(s):
Last updated: 02 June 2017
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Related indicators in
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- Legislation exists to protect the privacy of individuals' health-related data held in an EHR eHealth
- Legislation exists that allows for the sharing of personal and health data between research entities eHealth
- Legislation exists that allows individuals electronic access to their own health-related data when held in an EHR eHealth
- Legislation exists that allows individuals to demand their own health-related data be corrected when held in an EHR if it is known to be inaccurate eHealth
- Legislation exists that governs the international sharing of digital data between health professionals in health services through the use of an EHR eHealth
- Legislation exists that governs the national sharing of digital data between health professionals in other health services through the use of an EHR eHealth
- National policies or legislation to define medical jurisdiction, liability or reimbursement of eHealth services exist eHealth
- Policies or legislation exist to address patient safety and quality of care based on data quality, data transmission standards or clinical competency criteria eHealth
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- European Programme of Work
- Digital Health
- Rehabilitation
- Health-enhancing physical activity
- Health 2020 indicators
- European mortality database (MDB)
- European database on human and technical resources for health (HlthRes-DB)
- Global eHealth survey 2015
- Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)
- Child and adolescent health
- Environment and Health Information System (ENHIS)
- Seasonal influenza vaccination policies and coverage
- Maternal nutrition, physical activity and weight gain during pregnancy
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Global nutrition policy survey
- Status of child and adolescent health policies in Europe
- Joint Monitoring Framework (JMF)
- Financial protection in the European Region
- Legislation exists to protect the privacy of personally identifiable data of individuals, irrespective of whether it is in paper or digital format (Map)
- Legislation exists to protect the privacy of personally identifiable data of individuals, irrespective of paper or digital formats (Horizontal bar chart)
- Legislation on eHealth (privacy protection) (Horizontal bar chart)
- Legislation exists to protect the privacy of personally identifiable data of individuals, irrespective of paper or digital formats (Horizontal bar chart)
- Legislation on eHealth (privacy protection) (Spider web chart)
- Legislation exists to protect the privacy of personally identifiable data of individuals, irrespective of paper or digital formats (Wind rose chart)
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Data set notes
eHealth survey 2015
Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Indicator notes
"Personal identifiable data" refers to information that can identify a specific individual. This can include – but is not limited to – names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, occupation information, photographs and fingerprints, regardless of the format or medium in which it is held.
Country/Area notes
No information