Indicator full name: mHealth programmes that provide access to information resources, databases and tools (operating levels and types)
Unit: number of responses
- Country/Area (COUNTRY/AREA)
- Supranational group of countries (COUNTRY_GRP)
- Program level (PROGRAM_LEVEL)
- Program type (PROGRAM_TYPE)
Years data is available:
Indicator is part of data set(s):
Last updated: 02 June 2017
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Related indicators in
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An entity responsible for the regulatory oversight of mobile health apps for quality, safety and reliability exists eHealth
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mHealth programmes for community mobilization/health promotion campaigns (operating levels and types) eHealth
mHealth programmes for emergency toll-free telephone services (operating levels and types) eHealth
mHealth programmes for health call centres/health care telephone helpline (operating levels and types) eHealth
mHealth programmes for health surveys (operating levels and types) eHealth
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- European Health for All database (HFA-DB)
- European Programme of Work
- Digital Health
- Rehabilitation
- Health-enhancing physical activity
- Health 2020 indicators
- European mortality database (MDB)
- European database on human and technical resources for health (HlthRes-DB)
- Global eHealth survey 2015
- Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)
- Child and adolescent health
- Environment and Health Information System (ENHIS)
- Seasonal influenza vaccination policies and coverage
- Maternal nutrition, physical activity and weight gain during pregnancy
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Global nutrition policy survey
- Status of child and adolescent health policies in Europe
- Joint Monitoring Framework (JMF)
- Financial protection in the European Region
mHealth programmes that provide access to information resources, databases and tools (operating levels) (Horizontal bar chart)
mHealth programmes that provide access to information resources, databases and tools (types of programmes) (Horizontal bar chart)
mHealth programmes that provide access to information resources, databases and tools (operating levels and types) (Wind rose chart)
Use of mHealth for access to information and education (Heat map chart)
mHealth programmes that provide access to information resources, databases and tools (operating levels and types) (Horizontal bar chart)
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Data set notes
eHealth survey 2015
Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Indicator notes
"Access to information, resources, databases and tools" refers to access to health sciences literature, resources and databases using mobile ICT.
Country/Area notes
No information