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  • Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments (Map)
  • Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Use of social media by healthcare organizations Use of social media by healthcare organizations (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments (Horizontal bar chart)
  • Use of social media by healthcare organizations Use of social media by healthcare organizations (Spider web chart)
  • Use of social media by healthcare organizations Use of social media by healthcare organizations (Spider web chart)
  • Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments Health care organizations use social media to help manage patient appointments (Wind rose chart)
Data set notes
eHealth survey 2015

Indicators: 142
Updated: 02 June 2017
Contact: Clayton Hamilton

Data provided by Member States in the 2015 WHO Global eHealth Survey and highlights the key messages and trends identified. Published in the European eHealth report 2016. In total, 46 Member States from the WHO European Region responded to the survey.
Indicator notes
No information
Country/Area notes
No information