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  • Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 population (age-standardized death rate) Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 population (age-standardized death rate) (Линейный график)
  • Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 population (age-standardized death rate), female Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 population (age-standardized death rate), female (Линейный график)
  • Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 population (age-standardized death rate), male Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 population (age-standardized death rate), male (Линейный график)
  • SDR, Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 SDR, Diseases of nervous system and sense organs, per 100 000 (Блочная диаграмма)
Пояснения к наборам данных
Европейская база данных о смертности

Показателей: 851
Дата обновления: среда, 4 октября 2023 г.

Европейская база данных о смертности позволяет провести анализ тенденций смертности с учетом возраста и пола по широким группам заболеваний, а также с разбивкой по 67 причинам смерти. Данные накапливались с 1980 г.,-age-and-sex-hfa-mdb
Пояснения к показателю
ICD-9 BTL codes: B22-B24
ICD-9 codes: 320-389
ICD-10 codes: G00-H95
ex-USSR 175 list: 78-83
ICD-10 Mortality Condensed list 1: 1058, 1062, 1063 (without H94,H95)
EUROSTAT list of 65 causes: 31Special BLT codes used for some
ex-USSR countries: CH06

SDR is the age-standardized death rate calculated using the direct method and standard European population structure.
CDR is the crude death rate calculated as a simple ratio: number of registered deaths/ mid-year population (per 100000).

Mortality rates have been calculated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe using the data on deaths by cause/age/sex and mid-year population by age/sex, annually reported to WHO by European Member States. It should be noted that Mortality rates for some countries may be biased due to the under-registration of death cases, particularly in the central Asian republics, the Caucasus countries and some countries in the Balkans region (seenotes on data availability and quality under menu item Help).
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